The Origin of Dreams

My heart aches. It aches, beats, gives my ribs a nudge with every breath as if to say “Look, see, feel, take it all in!“ It aches because it’s still growing. With every lesson I learn, with every struggle, with every kind gesture, with every harsh word. With every fascinated gaze of my eyes, with every moment of stillness and every time I run in restlessness, my heart takes it all in and pumps joy, sadness, anxiety and hope through my throbbing veins. It seems to shout “Imagine“ and my head follows suit, dreaming up new ways and thus creating a path that has never been before, one I ache to follow. I never know where it leads me, whether my heart changes the tone around the next corner and stirs me in the opposite direction.
I am a human being. I am just a bundle of emotion, I am easily impressed, easily wounded, I am never sure what comes next and I am in love with this feeling. People tell me I go to extremes with my emotions, yet I only react to my beating heart, that hungry little organ of mine that can’t help but grow.

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